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Case study TENZA a.s.

Case study TENZA a.s.

TENZA, a.s. is today one of the leading Czech companies supplying technologies for production, distribution and exchange of heat. It is also spreading its activities into the areas of water, infrastructure and civil engineering. Having organized a tender, Tenza selected NAVISYS to become the supplier of its information system based on Microsoft Dynamics® NAV and the field-specific BIZ4BuildIn solution. This solution embodies the fundamental business logic of companies trading in building industry, or dealing with project oriented job orders.

Products used

MS Dynamics NAV 4.0, MS Dynamics NAV Aplication Server, MS Windows Server 2003, MS SQL Server 2005, MS Terminal Services, MS Office XP 2007, MS Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 2.0, XGantt .NET edition

Initial state

For accounting purposes TENZA used Helios Orange information system, the area of purchasing and logistics was covered by an internal tailor-made system. Other departments addressed their needs using separate applications or even only MS Excel. This situation did not provide adequate tools to support project management and controlling.

Goal of the solution

TENZA sought an internationally recognized system with a vertical solution and a partner who could not only implement the information system and provide its subsequent support but who would also possess knowledge of the needs and bottlenecks of the building industry.


Business requirements

Legible process analysis and checklists to verify key characteristics. An output providing overview of business opportunities, including price assessment, likelihood and the date of contract signing. Monitoring of project characteristics by projects/job orders. Control and verification of sales staff availability for assigning opportunities and proposal processing. Making it possible for the sales staff to view their projects during the realization stage. Possibility of assigning tasks to employees and controlling. Easy access to all related project information and documents concerning contracts, financing and hard facts. Possibility of accessing the system and relevant information according to the user roles. Managing several companies within one database.

Technical requirements

Graphic project schedule planning – an output for the investor. Graphic planning of project capacities. Generation of alerts when approaching or overshooting specified limits in the areas of cashflow, project/job order parameters (deadlines, volumes), stock levels and human resources management. User access restrictions according to departments, responsibilities, teams. Synchronization of tasks and meetings with MS Outlook.

Solution methods

The project of Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation was divided into several phases. The first phase focused on launching the system for all critical system areas, namely project management, finance, purchasing, logistics and foundry production.

This phase was started in early September 2007 and it was necessary to launch the system as of January 7, 2008. The system was launched on time, the entire phase was completed as of March 31, 2008.

The later phases of the project concentrated on the areas of salaries and human resources, integration of other company departments and development of specific requirements. The project was successfully completed as of June 30, 2008. The project was managed according to the Microsoft Sure Step implementation methodology which was modified according to the needs of individual phases.

Project innovation

In addition to Microsoft Dynamics NAV information system, a unique solution by NAVISYS called Biz4BuildIn for the area of project management was also implemented. It uses Gantt charts developed by NETRONIC, external graphic components for planning project schedules and capacities.


Introduction of TENZA, a.s.

TENZA, a.s. was established in 1993. In following years, the company experienced dynamic growth and profiled itself as a supplier of high-end technologies and investment projects in the power industry and heat equipment. Today, it is one of the leading Czech companies supplying technologies for production, distribution and exchange of heat. It is also spreading its activities into the areas of water, infrastructure and civil engineering. It pays special attention to environmental programmes involving namely projects of using renewable sources of energy and water and air protection systems.

TENZA offers complete solution of projects, starting from the feasibility study and subsequent project documentation preparation to actual realization. The company has adequate resources to implement large investment schemes. Its services include financing of large projects and operating heat distribution frameworks.

An important activity of the company is trade as a part of which supplies of modern technologies from foreign manufacturers and from the company’s own production are handled.


NAVISYS was founded in 1997. Successful implementations and quality services soon established NAVISYS as one of the leading distributers and implementation companies of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, earlier Navision. The company traditionally ranks among the top ten most successful Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners in the Czech Republic. Today, NAVISYS acts primarily as a supplier of complete vertical solutions. The company has a team of professionals not only in the area of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Software products, but also experts with theoretical and practical experience in industries for which its products and services are intended.

NAVISYS was awarded Microsoft Awards Winner 2011 in the category of Microsoft Dynamics ERP for the implementation of BIZ4BuildIn in PRODECO, a.s., Microsoft Industry Awards Winner 2005 in the category of “The Best Solution for Small and Medium Companies” for its BIZ4Logistics solution, Microsoft Industry Awards Finalist 2009 in category "Industrial Manufacturing" for its solution of BIZ4BuildIn®, Microsoft Industry Awards Finalist 2007 in the category “The Best Solution for Small and Medium Companies” for its solution of BIZ4Elements® and Microsoft Industry Awards Finalist 2006 in the category of “The Best Solution for Sales, Manufacturing and Utility” for its BIZ4Warehousing® solution.

In 2009 NAVISYS became a member of PRESIDENT'S CLUB thereby joined group of 284 best partners in the world. In 2011 NAVISYS managed to repeat this success and once again was recognized for its achievements with a membership in the PRESIDENT'S CLUB.
