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Upgrade at Nuclear Research Institute was successfully completed

Upgrade at Nuclear Research Institute was successfully completed


At Nuclear Research Institute company, an upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics NAV system from version 3.70 to the current version 5.1 was successfully completed. As part of the upgrade, a transition from the native database to SQL database was carried out.

This project was launched in early 2009, the transition was performed by the 18th May 2009 and the upgrade was successfully finished by the 30th June 2009.

The upgrade itself, however, doesnt represent the entire development of an information system Microsoft Dynamics NAV in NRI. During the oncoming months, following projects are going to be implemented:

  • Implementation of project management system NAVISYS Biz4BuildIn for the EGP center- subsequent application of the solution in other centers and subsidiaries
  • Consolidation of financial data in the ÚJV group
  • Implementation of the information system Microsoft Dynamics NAV in selected subsidiaries
  • Implementation of salary system for approximately 1,000 employees
About Nuclear Research Institute company

Research and development in the field of a nuclear technology and radioactive waste management in power generation and industry.

Ústav jaderného výzkumu Řež (Nuclear Research Institute), abbreviation ÚJV Řež, was founded on basis of governmental act in June 10th in 1955.

Nowadays, the Institute provides wide range of expertises and services for operators of the nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic and abroad, supports central state institutions in the Czech Republic in domains of strategic energetics control and management of radioactive waste (Ministry of Trade and Industry), provides independent professional expertise for the State Office of Nuclear Safety, provides development of exploitation of ionizing radiation and irradiation services for basic and applied research, health service and industry, provides research and services for radioactive waste disposal, productiona of radiopharmaceuticals, education and training of expert and scientific specialists and many other activities.

Apart from that, the Institute also functiones in nonradiactive domaines, for example in energetics domain, chemical industry and environmental protection.


NAVISYS was founded in 1997. Successful implementations and quality services soon established NAVISYS as one of the leading distributers and implementation companies of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, earlier Navision. The company traditionally ranks among the top ten most successful Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners in the Czech Republic. Today, NAVISYS acts primarily as a supplier of complete vertical solutions. The company has a team of professionals not only in the area of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Software products, but also experts with theoretical and practical experience in industries for which its products and services are intended.

NAVISYS was awarded Microsoft Awards Winner 2011 in the category of Microsoft Dynamics ERP for the implementation of BIZ4BuildIn in PRODECO, a.s., Microsoft Industry Awards Winner 2005 in the category of “The Best Solution for Small and Medium Companies” for its BIZ4Logistics solution, Microsoft Industry Awards Finalist 2009 in category "Industrial Manufacturing" for its solution of BIZ4BuildIn®, Microsoft Industry Awards Finalist 2007 in the category “The Best Solution for Small and Medium Companies” for its solution of BIZ4Elements® and Microsoft Industry Awards Finalist 2006 in the category of “The Best Solution for Sales, Manufacturing and Utility” for its BIZ4Warehousing® solution.

In 2009 NAVISYS became a member of PRESIDENT'S CLUB thereby joined group of 284 best partners in the world. In 2011 NAVISYS managed to repeat this success and once again was recognized for its achievements with a membership in the PRESIDENT'S CLUB.
