Navisys s.r.o.


About Us


About us 

Our story

In 1997 three consultants and developers (aged 22, 23 and 28) establish their own company with a single goal – to do together better and especially in their own way what they were doing in the previous 4 years at various firms. That is delivering interesting and complex implementations of the famous NAVISION information system supplied by a Danish company Navision Software.

Four years earlier

In 1993 information systems in the Czech Republic are still in their infancy. Local suppliers develop home-made software and foreign products, which can be counted on the fingers of one hand, are too complex, quite expensive and programming modifications are very complicated. Then an unknown PC&C ApS company comes to the Czech Republic from a small European country (Denmark) and its product NAVISION is completely different – it is very simple (it can be stored in one 3,5" diskette!), stable, powerful and easily modified.

The later founders of NAVISYS are involved. One of them works with the first company to implement the software and the other two with one of the first customers. They frequently communicate with the local PC&C office, they help to localize the product and later also make first modifications to make it more compliant with local requirements and needs. In the upcoming years they participate in first implementations.

Platform and technology

With respect to the previous experience, it is only natural that our sole platform becomes the ERP solution of Microsoft Dynamics NAV (former NAVISION), which gives us not only stability and guarantees of long-term development but also the possibility to modify the system flexibly, making it tailor-made to the needs of our customers.

Manufacturing know-how

As in 1998 NAVISION did not include manufacturing modules, we used our previous experience and developed our own module of production planning and control. In 1999 Navision Software launches its manufacturing module of Navision Manufacturing and NAVISYS participates in Czech terminology localization and testing; one year later (2000) NAVISYS becomes the first certified manufacturing partner and implements the first manufacturing modules in the Czech Republic.


A breaking moment in the history of NAVISION came. The largest software company in the world - Microsoft - announced in 2001 its interest in buying 100% share in Navision Software and in 2002 it successfully realized its intention.

The initial fears of the partners about the future of NAVISION within the realm of Microsoft were soon overcome. For most of us completely new possibilities opened up in the area of advancing new knowledge and technologies. NAVISYS, who until that time acted solely as an ERP supplier, spread its services into other area such as SQL Server, BizTalk, SharePoint, or .NET platform development.

Specialization and verticalization

As an experienced partner, we have created several field-specific solutions in the course of time, incorporating industrial know-how to them and integrating them with the best technologies in the market. We have soon become a renowned supplier of not only general purpose information systems but also expert solutions for specific industries.

In 2004 we entered the transport logistics market with our BIZ4Logistics solution, in 2005 we launched a solution for logistics in warehousing and distribution (BIZ4Warehousing) and two years later (2007) an integrated building industry project management solution (BIZ4BuildIn).

Synergy of products

As we do not want to develop something which has already been developed, every year we seek in this country and abroad interesting software products and tools we utilize in our projects or directly integrate in our own solutions. With many of them we play the role of exclusive or key distributors in the Czech Republic. To name but a few key products, one can mention Map&Guide map server by German company PTV GmbH (2005), planning tools with the use of Gantt charts by German company NETRONIC (2006) or modern reporting tools Excel Jet Reports by an American company with the same name (2008).

Interest groups and alliances

Our partners do not include only software producers but also interest groups and industry alliances. Among the key partners in this area are undoubtedly the association of road transport operators ČESMAD (2005), Czech Logistics Association (2006) or Association of Building Entrepreneurs (2008).

President's Club

In 2009 NAVISYS became for the first time a member of the PRESIDENT'S CLUB, the prize is awarded to the best partners of Microsoft in the world. NAVISYS is ranked among the 284 best partners in the world. In 2011 NAVISYS managed to repeat this success and once again was recognized for its achievements with a membership in the PRESIDENT'S CLUB. In 2011, 323 companies from around the world garnered this award.


Two of the three original founders of the company still hold key positions in the company. They are not only managers but also experts – they supervise the concepts and architecture of development and implementation projects and they are additional guarantors of quality of our solutions. So do not hesitate to ask our managers even highly technical questions!


Currently NAVISYS team consists of more than twenty experts specializing solely in implementations of Microsoft Dynamics NAV information systems in a number of industries with particular focus on manufacturing and logistics.

Not only the goal but also the journey is important

Under any circumstances I believe that not only the goal but also the way how it was reached is important. Success should be measured not only in absolute figures but also in relation to the number and difficulty of obstacles which needed to be overcome, regardless of how unfavourable or even insurmountable they might have seemed in the beginning. The basis of success has been and will always be diligent work and respect to people, mo matter what their job is.

In the name of every former, current or future member of NAVISYS team I believe that we can not only meet the specified goals but that we can accomplish them in a way we can be proud of.

That is how our company motto should be understood: KEEP DIRECTION.

Michal Češek, general manager