Navisys s.r.o.




Mantis Logistics Vision 

MANTIS_logo Mantis Informatics S.A. established in early 1996 in Athens, Greece, is the leading supplier of extended Supply Chain Execution software, consulting and solutions in South Eastern Europe with a strong presence in Central Europe, Russia/CIS and recently in Middle East.

Mantis develops information systems and provides consulting services to manage and optimise the supply chain of medium and large enterprises.

Industries are investing in integrated and flexible supply chain execution solutions, which reduce logistics costs in order to better compete in the global market, while at the same time improving customer service. ERP systems focus on the accounting, financial and commercial needs of enterprises and do not provide solutions to efficiently manage and optimise the supply chain. Furthermore the installation of such systems require a long time to be completed while at the same time consumes significant senior resources thus resulting in high costs and a very poor Return on Investment (ROI). Finally ERP vendors usually lack an experienced logistics consulting force, which is required to successfully implement demanding projects.

The trend today is towards integrated, proven, highly adaptable and competitively priced specialised logistics solutions, that cover the whole supply chain (Inventory, Production, Quality, Warehousing and Distribution), and are based on the latest technology as well as open architecture to protect customer's investment. The availability of such solutions, will allow businesses of all sizes to choose a small initial investment aiming to deliver results quickly, while keeping their options open to invest in additional functionality in the future, as their needs are growing.

While specialised logistics execution solutions exist today, in most cases they are based on old technology platforms lacking adaptability and other required modern features. The economic recession during the recent years did not allow the specialised logistics software vendors to fund upgrades of their software by using modern technology.

Mantis identified this market requirement and undertook a substantial investment of more than 3 million Euro since 2001, in designing and developing the 3rd generation of its Logistics Vision Suite (LV-III), Mantis' flagship family of integrated supply chain execution software modules. LV-III, that was announced in early 2004, is the successor to Mantis first two generations of Logistics Vision, announced in years 1997 (LV-I) and 2000 (LV-II) respectively.

The vital need of contemporary enterprises to attain and sustain the desired level of customer service with the minimum possible stock, led Mantis to complement its supply chain execution solutions portfolio with a supply chain planning counterpart, in the areas of demand forecasting and replenishment planning based on Syncron, the flagship software product suite of Syncron International.

This unique wealth of functionality and flexibility of Logistics Vision, combined with Mantis' highly qualified partner logistics consulting network, led Mantis to the leadership position in the Greek and Cypriot markets as well as to the success in many other countries in Europe and Middle East.