Navisys s.r.o.




Jet Enterprise 

Jet Enterprise is a complete Business Intelligence solution that provides the answers to your mission critical questions inside an application that you already know – Excel. With little or no training you can quickly analyze issues from many different perspectives to discover trends in your business. Jet Enterprise provides the strategic information you need to identify opportunities and proactively detect issues before they escalate.

The reporting power of Jet Reports designed for the BI world.

With Jet Enterprise you stay with the reporting interface you know and get even more:

  • Dashboards that make it easy to see business intelligence from the macro level backed by reports that give the details.
  • Cube Technology that adds fast and flexible views of your business metrics that is based on a single version of truth housed in your data warehouse.
  • Lightning Quick Answers based on pre-defined calculations that let you see hidden trends, issues and anomalies.
  • Pivot Tables that help you visualize and plan for success.